November 14, 2019
With a population of nearly 8 billion people, more than 5 billion are using smartphones. It is approximately 63% of the whole population on Earth. These numbers are quite impressive and surely speak in support of digitalization process which is embracing the planet right now. Most of the time spent in smartphones, users spend in mobile applications. But what is important here is how mobile user interface design involves users in communication with them.

Nevertheless, a mobile application creation is a time-consuming process that requires great intelligence, skills and financial investment. We can divide it into 3 essential stages: analytics, UI&UX design and development. We will focus on the 2nd dimension. The goal of this article is to describe the key challenges that appear during the development of a mobile app user interface design with provided solutions to them. Also, we’ll touch upon the most common screens that are used in mobile apps along with additional ones and offer best UI trends that are highly demanded in 2019.
UX&UI Areas of Responsibility
Design process in mobile development consists of User Experience and User Interface design. After a deep analysis UX designers start working on creating a visual functional prototype. Complete UX prototype means User Interface designers come to the force. They deal with colors, fonts, all elements sizes. The want to please the user’s eyes and create a reasonable final version of interface application. Both UI&UX are equally important. In the end users receive a mobile app user interface design that plays a huge role in their interaction with an app.
The Most Common Mistakes in Mobile User Interface Design
A Wrong Application Structure
Problem: a user cannot recognizes the composition of clickable elements, content, screens. It leads to misunderstanding in communication with an app as well as to a further app uninstall.
Solution: Mobile user interface design should be intuitive for users. To make it happens, user interface designers should think as their users. First, define a target audience of your mobile application which should also respond to the purpose of your app. Mobile application without an idea and defined target audience is a waste of time and money. Avoid it. Second, think about an operating system where you’re launching your app. Users should intuitively understand the purpose of all existed buttons. They recall their previous experience with their operating systems and popular mobile apps to orient themselves in a new application.
Problem: your mobile application user wants to turn its device horizontally or to use it on a tablet, but … Oops! It doesn’t work and doesn’t fit the screen.
Solution: This issue can be tackled even before you’ll face it. Just always be aware of the fact that your potential users can come up with some device manipulations (for instance, rotation), and user interface design in mobile applications should respond to all changes. Commands shouldn’t be very small if they are displayed in horizontal mode, all desired sections should be shown properly. Moreover, your application potentially can be seen on devices with different resolutions and display sizes. These also affect the way information fits the screen.
Poor (First) Impression
Problem: there are plenty of them – too bright or dark design, too many incomprehensible interface elements, missing smooth screens transitions – all of these can disturb users and bring an annoying experience that results in an application uninstall.
Solution: first impression is crucial as well as the whole experience with an app afterwards. Every interface element and its size should respond to the whole concept of an app and doesn’t cause long-lasting cognitive load. There is a tough task to come up with a conceptual and unique design, where every element has its own place and meaning. So, don’t forget to take enough time to research.
What Types of Screens Should Be in Your Mobile User Interface Design?
Even though there are millions of apps in Google Play or App Store, all of them adhere to the common user behavior patterns.
Splash screen
This is an image that appears first when users downloaded the application. Usually it presents development company’s or publisher’s name along with a logotype. Screen looks very simple, but highly important in delivering necessary information and taking time for application to start. While you have a splash screen in your application, all subsequent elements have time to load, so when users turn to them, they are working perfectly. That’s why mobile user interface design shouldn’t be too complicated and the duration of its appearance shouldn’t exceed 8 seconds.
Home screen
Home screen follows a splash one. It is considered to be almost the main screen in the whole mobile user interface design. However, its significance can alter according to an app concept. That’s why, home screen design shouldn’t contradict with type and main idea of the application.
This part of application can be independent or attached to the home screen. Sometimes mobile applications require a menu navigation over it due to the complex structure and a huge number of sections. You can find it especially in apps where sign-in process is compulsory and menu serves as navigation across personal account. Otherwise, it replaces a home screen and becomes a dashboard.
Additional screens
Some additional screens in mobile applications are listed below:
- sign-in or log-in screens like in Tinder app;
- stats screens display graphs and information about your sport performance as in Nike Training Club app;
- catalog screens in app;
- feed screens are typical for social media like Instagram;
- calendar screens for Google Calendar;
- playlist screens are similar to Spotify and more.
Moreover, it’s highly important to emphasize that all types of included screens are aiming to ease the interaction with a mobile app for users. That’s why you can also add an onboarding section or any tips within the application which prompt a way how to use it or tells what kind of interesting features it has. All of these prove that you can manipulate with an additional screen choice according to own expectations from a mobile application.
Best Mobile User Interface Design Trends in 2019
The world of design is constantly upgrading and things that seem to be fashionable and stylish today, may no longer be up-to-date tomorrow. However, now we can clearly see some mobile app user interface design features step-by-step capturing the world and becoming a new lasting trend.
As we mentioned above, a creation of a mobile application is closely connected to the evolution of mobile systems, namely Android and iOS. Since both of them introduced an interface controlled by gestures, mobile app developers immediately took it into consideration. We can surely expect in the near future such mobile user interface design to conquer the whole world. It is easier and more productive. Gesture-based design gives more space to animation, graphics and what else is useful for a certain app.
Minimalist design
Complex interface, multicolors, complicated fonts are no longer acceptable. One-color background, simple interface elements, functional animation, bold typography, reasonable contrast and clear text blocks which become the pillars in creating a timeless design already replaced them. The most vivid examples are Uber or Bolt mobile applications without overlapping design and complex structures.
It’s a trend that stays up-to-date even in 2019. People love to get personal attention. That’s why small details and user-oriented design will only attract more people to a mobile application. App developers allow users to customize their background, icons and avatars today. Usually you can find personalization elements in calorie counter, sport training, visual wardrobe and other mobile applications.
To sum everything up, we can say without doubt that a modern mobile user interface design adheres to “the simpler, the better” position. This motto influences a layout building, which should avoid complex structures and numerous interface elements. Interface should be adopted and easily seen on tablets as well on mobile devices with different resolutions. In other words, be responsive and adaptive. All of these will lead to a great first and future impressions. This allows users to stay for a long time with an app.
The screen types choice is dependent on a mobile application type. However, all of them have basic ones as splash and home screens. Should you want a music or sport app, choose additional screens accordingly.
Today’s apps are getting more and more personal, that is why user interface design for mobile applications in 2019 becomes more individualized, minimalist in order to provide customized and necessary information.
At Bitsens we are specializing in User Experience and User Interface designs for mobile devices and websites which result in stylish and timeless interfaces. We are eager to provide clients with an effective web and mobile users interface design that helps to make a profit. Our best works include a fashion mobile app Lookhave with UX&UI development as well as a health application Ramu that has a clean, intuitive and catchy design. We always keep our eye on upcoming mobile interface innovations to reach a digital perfection in every bit!