Is a corporate site for the largest pharmaceutical logistics company in the Baltic states. Apart from the web design and web development, Bitsens created a new logo for Balux.
- Wordpress CMS
- Smooth page transitions and JS animations
- The site works and looks excellent on various mobile devices
- Fully responsive HTML grid
- Logo design
- E-mail notifications
- Very high QA requirements
We provided the customer with a fully responsive, fresh looking corporate website. The website created unique brand positioning and increased the company’s sales effectiveness.
It was a huge challenge for Bitsens and we achieved an amazing result with this web page. The idea was to create a corporate website, that perfectly expresses the Balux attitude to their job. It’s in-between the Logistics and Pharmaceutical market. That’s the reason why the first impression from the web is so clean, like a drug store. 100% of Balux’ deliveries are pharmaceuticals and Bitsens successfully conveyed this message to the corporate website users.
From a technical perspective, the corporate website was made using WordPress CMS. It provides all essential possibilities to translate and administrate every page, as well as the information on the new Balux corporate page.
Desktop Version

Mobile Version